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A Historic Reunion at Anglia Car Auctions After 30 Years

This week, the team at Anglia Car Auctions (ACA) witnessed a special moment when classic car enthusiast and ACA client, Alfie Poland, was reunited with a rare 1966 Ford Anglia van he had last owned in the 1980s.

After parting with his Ford Anglia van 35 years ago to a friend, Mr Poland has spent many of the intervening years trying unsuccessfully to retrace it, until his luck changed with its recent appearance at auction in King’s Lynn.

Listed as Lot 619 at ACA’s Classic Auction with an estimated value of £6,000 - £8,000, the green Ford Anglia was originally a Post Office Telephones van, holding significant historical value as one of the few surviving GPO Anglia vans.

"I bought this van back in 1987, then sold it to a friend,” said Mr Poland. The van subsequently changed hands and Mr Poland lost track of its whereabouts until he learned it was up for auction at ACA.

“I've been searching for it for over 30 years! I still can't believe that I’ve found it,” continued Mr Poland, who secured the Ford Anglia with a winning bid of over £10,000 including premium.

When Mr Poland purchased the van in 1987, he acquired it from a coach company where it had served as a maintenance vehicle. Back then, it sported grey livery with an orange bonnet and stripe. Despite its current non-running condition, Mr Poland intends to restore the van to its former glory including the original grey paintwork from his ownership era. He plans to showcase the van at classic vehicle events in the future.

Freddie from ACA caught up with Mr Poland during his vehicle collection. Watch the interview: