Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November 2022
Over 88% of the cars have now sold, with the total currently at 216 out of the 245 entered. All current results are published with each car and if unsold, states ‘Remains available’. You can always call to arrange to view any unsold lots.
Our next sale is in the New Year on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January. The calendar for 2023 is listed under the classic heading, ‘Calendar of Auctions’. We will be offering the Jaguar MK I from the Endeavour TV drama and impersonator/comedian Jon Culshaw's 1975 Ford Granada 3.0GXL Auto which recently featured in the C4 TV comedy, ‘The Curse’. If you have a car, motorcycle, registration plate or item of automobilia that you are considering selling, please call us on 01553 777444 or 771881 or email with some images and information. Please remember to add your telephone number in order that we can call you to discuss.
We were very pleased to sell all of the 68 original artworks by Chris Rea from his La Passione series were sold. They were purchased not only by collectors but by people who had never purchased artwork previously and they definitely created a lot of interest. It was a new venture for us, one which we enjoyed and, in addition, now we have a gallery.
We are re-introducing the future and affordable classic section within our Wednesday evening modern sale, the first one commencing on Wednesday 30th November and to be held at regular intervals thereafter. Following comments from our customers, the future classic fee structure will remain the same as the moderns for both buyers and sellers.